The GHC Specialization Guarantee

I'm trying to ensure that GHC specializes in recursive function so that everything is unpacked. The complete example code (as well as a GHC core dump) is available at this value . The corresponding function looks like this:

import Data.Bits                                     
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV

lookupSorted :: Ord a => (Int -> a) -> Int -> a -> Maybe Int   
lookupSorted lookupIx len needle =                  
  let !r = go 0 (len - 1)                   
   in if r < 0 then Nothing else Just r                    
  go :: Int -> Int -> Int                 
  go !lo !hi = if lo <= hi   
      let !mid = lo + (unsafeShiftR (hi - lo) 1)              
          !val = lookupIx mid                    
       in case compare val needle of                           
            EQ -> mid                                               
            LT -> go (mid + 1) hi                                              
            GT -> go lo (mid - 1)                                
    else (-1)               


It is an algorithm that looks for a value from any sorted container that can be indexed. The two functions I want to provide are specialized versions:

{-# NOINLINE lookupUnboxedWord #-}
lookupUnboxedWord :: UV.Vector Word -> Word -> Maybe Int   
lookupUnboxedWord v w = lookupSorted (UV.unsafeIndex v) (UV.length v) w

{-# NOINLINE lookupUnboxedDouble #-}           
lookupUnboxedDouble :: UV.Vector Double -> Double -> Maybe Int   
lookupUnboxedDouble v w = lookupSorted (UV.unsafeIndex v) (UV.length v) w


The good news is that, looking at the resettable core , I see that GHC is already implementing specialization, which I That's impressive. However, I would like to be able to count on it. I am concerned that if I add enough specialized options to this file, or that if I call lookupSorted

from another module, GHC may end up leaning towards a small generated executable rather than a fast one.

I understand that pragma SPECIALIZE

does not help in a situation. GHC does not currently allow specialization based on value arguments . I'm sure if I want to write a class for an indexing operation, I can get the job done SPECIALIZE

. I'm trying to avoid this approach, although I don't want to introduce a class unless there is another solution.

Is there a way I can get GHC to create these specialized variants of my function? Also, if anyone has any comments on the dumped main file (if something is not optimal), I would appreciate any feedback on this. Thank.

---- EDIT ----

Thinking about it more, it seems like just putting the pragma INLINE

on is enough lookupSorted

. The GHC docs are not clear about the interaction between INLINE

and recursive binding within sentences let

or where

. Any clarification on this, hopefully with a source to back it up, might be helpful.


source to share

1 answer

Your final observation is correct: if you put an annotation INLINE

on a function, it will be inlined when there is a call to it with sufficient arguments.

Sufficient arguments mean the number of parameters to your function to the left of =

(as opposed to lambdas to the right). This allows you to do things like

foo op n  = \y -> go n y
  where go acc i = … op … 

fooSpec1 = foo (+) 0 
fooSpec2 = foo (*) 1


and get two specializations foo

that you can then call many times without further code duplication.

For all this, it doesn't matter what happens in where

, and the recursive function will just be inlined in foo


(Sorry, you don't have a backup source.)



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