Adding "and" between the last two database results in a foreach loop

I want to add the word "and" between the last two MySQL results. I can add commas, but I need to add commas between the first and then "and" between the last two.

Here is the code I'm using:

        $not_first = false;

        foreach($solos as $solo)
            if ($not_first)
                echo ', ';
            $not_first = true;

            echo $solo->id;


I could repeat "and" instead of a comma. But if I have 3 or more results, it will say "result and result, result and result". I want him to say "result, result, result and result."

Any ideas?


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5 answers

Try the following idea

if (count($solos) > 2) {
    $last = array_pop($solos);
    echo implode(', ', $solos) . ' and ' . $last;
    echo implode(' and ', $solos);




you can read it, and in the second add id and "instead of", "

$x = count($solos);
foreach($solos as $solo){
    echo $solo->id;
    if ($solos[$x - 2] == $solo){
        echo 'and';
    }elseif ($solos[$x -1] != $solo && $solos[0] != $solo){
        echo ',' 




I would rather use for

instead foreach

in this case:

for($i=0; $i<count($solos); $i++){
    echo $solos[$i]->id;

    if($i == count($solos) - 2){        // --> second last element, implies "and" 
        echo " and ";
        if($i != count($solos) - 1){    // --> "," for all other elements, except last
            echo ", ";




Or use this:

   $i = 1;
   $last = count($solos);
    foreach($solos as $solo)
        if ($i > 1 && $i != $last)
            echo ', ';
        elseif ( $i == $last )
            echo ' and ';

        echo $solo->id;




The other answers work fine. For completeness, you can also insert "and" using preg_replace.

$solos = array( 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' );

$result = implode(', ',$solos);
$result = preg_replace('/, ([^,]+)$/',', and \1', $result);


Over 1 million iterations, mnv's array_pop method took 2.13 seconds. preg_replace completed in 3.65 seconds. Using array_pop would be preferable.



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