The sum of the dice pieces

I am trying to calculate the probability of getting a specific sum of n s-sided bone results. I found the formula in this link (formula 10).

This is the code I wrote in C:

# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <math.h>

# define n      2   // number of dices
# define s      6   // number of sides of one dice

int fact(int x){
  int y = 1;
    for(int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
      y *= i;
  return y;
int C(int x,int y){
  int z = fact(x)/(fact(y)*fact(x-y));
  return z;

int main(){
  int     p,k,kmax;
  double  proba;

  for(p = n; p <= s*n; p++){
    proba = 0.0;
    kmax = (p-n)/s;
    for(k = 0; k <= kmax; k++)
      proba += pow(-1.0,k)*C(n,k)*C(p-s*k-1,p-s*k-n);
    proba /= pow((float)s,n);
    printf("%5d %e\n",p,proba);


and here are the results for: two 6-sided dice:

2    2.777778e-02
3    5.555556e-02
4    8.333333e-02
5    1.111111e-01
6    1.388889e-01
7    1.666667e-01
8    1.388889e-01
9    1.111111e-01
10   8.333333e-02
11   5.555556e-02
12   2.777778e-02


and for three 6-sided dice:

3    4.629630e-03
4    1.388889e-02
5    2.777778e-02
6    4.629630e-02
7    6.944444e-02
8    9.722222e-02
9    1.157407e-01
10   1.250000e-01
11   1.250000e-01
12   1.157407e-01
13   9.722222e-02
14  -1.805556e-01
15  -3.703704e-01
16  -4.768519e-01
17  -5.462963e-01
18  -6.203704e-01


negative probabilities !!! What's wrong with the code or the formula?

this is the Valgrind report

==9004== HEAP SUMMARY:
==9004==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9004==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 1,024 bytes allocated
==9004== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==9004== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==9004== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)



source to share

2 answers

Functions C

and fact

overflows. fact(13)

already overflows a signed 32-bit integer.

This definition can be used for C

, which completely eliminates the need for fact


double C(int n, int k) {
    double r = 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        r *= n - i;
        r /= i + 1;
    return r;


This avoids large intermediate results and accumulates the result in double rather than int. Using double may not always be satisfactory, but your code converts the result to double anyway, so it looks great.

Here's my solution to the original problem. It completely eliminates computational power and combinations, resulting in a shorter, faster, and more numerically robust solution. You can run it like, for example, ./dice 3d12

to create the likelihood of rolling 3 12-sided dice.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void dice_sum_probabilities(int n, int d) {
    // Compute the polynomial [(x+x^2+...+x^d)/d]^n.
    // The coefficient of x^k in the result is the
    // probability of n dice with d sides summing to k.
    int N=d*n+1;
    // p is the coefficients of a degree N-1 polynomial.
    double p[N];
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) p[i]=i==0;
    // After k iterations of the main loop, p represents
    // the polynomial [(x+x^2+...+x^d)/d]^k
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        // S is the rolling sum of the last d coefficients.
        double S = 0;
        // This loop iterates backwards through the array
        // setting p[j+d] to (p[j]+p[j+1]+...+p[j+d-1])/d.
        // To get the ends right, j ranges over a slightly
        // larger range than the array, and care is taken to
        // not write out-of-bounds, and to treat out-of-bounds
        // reads as 0.
        for (int j=N-1;j>=-d;j--) {
            if (j>=0) S += p[j];
            if (j+d < N) {
                S -= p[j+d];
                p[j+d] = S/d;
    for (int i=n; i<N; i++) {
        printf("% 4d: %.08lf\n", i, p[i]);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int ndice, sides, ok;
    ok = argc==2 && sscanf(argv[1], "%dd%d", &ndice, &sides)==2;
    if (!ok || ndice<1 || ndice>1000 || sides<1 || sides>100) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <n>d<sides>. For example: 3d6\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;
    dice_sum_probabilities(ndice, sides);
    return 0;




In a small version, it seems that the calculation of the coefficient assumes integer truncation and type substitution double

can lead to different results. uint64_t

provides sufficient storage for all reasonable requests, s

and n

. You can do something similar to the following, which also removes any dependency on pow(-1, k)

, replacing it with a simple bit comparison detailed in the comment above.

With that in mind, and using exact types for portability, you can do something similar to the following:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

int32_t power (int32_t x, uint32_t y)
    int32_t temp;
    if (y == 0)
        return 1;

    temp = power (x, y / 2);
    if ((y % 2) == 0)
        return temp * temp;
        return x * temp * temp;

uint64_t factorial (uint32_t v) {

    if (v <= 1)
        return 1;

    uint64_t n = 1;
    for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= v; i++)
        n *= i;

    return n;

int32_t coeff (uint32_t p, uint32_t n, uint32_t s)
    uint32_t c = 0, pn_s = (p - n)/s;

    for (uint32_t k = 0; k <= pn_s; k++)
        int32_t neg1k = ((k & 1) ? -1 : 1),
            vp = (factorial (n)/(factorial (k) * factorial (n - k))) *
                (power (p - s * k - 1, n - 1))/(n - 1);

        c += neg1k * vp;

    return c;

double ppns (uint32_t p, uint32_t n, uint32_t s)
    uint32_t s2n = 1;
    double invs2n;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        s2n *= s;

    invs2n = (double)1.0 / s2n;

    return invs2n * coeff (p, n, s);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    uint32_t n, p, s;

    n = argc > 1 ? (uint32_t)strtoul (argv[1], NULL, 10) : 2;
    s = argc > 2 ? (uint32_t)strtoul (argv[2], NULL, 10) : 6;

    for (p = n; p <= s * n; p++) {
        double prob = ppns (p, n, s);
        printf (" points: %3" PRIu32 ", probablility: %8.4lf\n", p, prob);

    return 0;


Usage / output example

$ ./bin/dice_prob
 points:   2, probablility:   0.0278
 points:   3, probablility:   0.0556
 points:   4, probablility:   0.0833
 points:   5, probablility:   0.1111
 points:   6, probablility:   0.1389
 points:   7, probablility:   0.1667
 points:   8, probablility:   0.1389
 points:   9, probablility:   0.1111
 points:  10, probablility:   0.0833
 points:  11, probablility:   0.0556
 points:  12, probablility:   0.0278

$ ./bin/dice_prob 3
 points:   3, probablility:   0.0093
 points:   4, probablility:   0.0185
 points:   5, probablility:   0.0370
 points:   6, probablility:   0.0556
 points:   7, probablility:   0.0833
 points:   8, probablility:   0.1111
 points:   9, probablility:   0.1204
 points:  10, probablility:   0.1250
 points:  11, probablility:   0.1204
 points:  12, probablility:   0.1065
 points:  13, probablility:   0.0833
 points:  14, probablility:   0.0509
 points:  15, probablility:   0.0370
 points:  16, probablility:   0.0185
 points:  17, probablility:   0.0093
 points:  18, probablility:   0.0000




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