Initialize array to specific values ​​in assembly (x86)

I want to initialize an array in an assembly with specific values. I tried to do this in the first loop, but got garbage in the arrays. Then I tried to do it manually and got the same junk. I want the array to repeat 0 1 2 for n times. Here is some sample code I've tried.

This is my attempt to fully load the array. The first value loads just fine. The second value, however, is loaded in junk when I check it in GDB.

sub esp, 260
mov [ebp - 12], dword -1
mov [ebp - 16], byte 0
mov [ebp - 17], byte 1
mov [ebp - 18], byte 2
mov [ebp - 19], byte 0
mov [ebp - 20], byte 1
mov [ebp - 21], byte 2
mov [ebp - 22], byte 0
mov [ebp - 23], byte 1
mov [ebp - 24], byte 2
mov [ebp - 25], byte 0


Here's my attempt at doing it automatically.

    sub esp, 260
    mov [ebp - 12], dword -1

    add [ebp - 12], dword 1
    lea eax, [ebp - 16]
    sub eax, [ebp - 12]
    mov [eax], byte 0

    add [ebp - 12], dword 1
    lea eax, [ebp - 16]
    sub eax, [ebp - 12]
    mov [eax], byte 1

    add [ebp - 12], dword 1
    lea eax, [ebp - 16]
    sub eax, [ebp - 12]
    mov [eax], byte 2

    cmp [ebp - 12], dword 255
    jne again
    jmp elsewhere


Using NASM, x86-32, Intel syntax.

EDIT: When I convert this code to store array values ​​as DWORD instead of bytes, both methods work. Why is this?


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3 answers

With NASM, you can easily initialize duplicate data with a prefix times

. For example, to repeat the sequence "0 1 2" n times as indicated in your question, you could do something similar to the following:

section .data

    my_array: times n db 0, 1, 2 


Just replace n

the constant with the value you want. More information on the prefix times

can be found in the NASM Handbook .



This is what I got:

;ecx = how much values  ;ds:edi = destination

    pushad                    ;push all 32bit registers to stack

    xor eax,eax               ;clear eax


        push eax              
        mov ebx,0x00000003    ;we divide by 3

        xor edx,edx           ;clear edx 

        div ebx               ;this stores the remainder of eax/0x03 in edx
        mov DWORD [edi],edx   ;move it to your array

        pop eax               ;we dont need the result of the division

        inc eax 
        add edi,4             ;increment pointer 4 bytes because 4 bytes are one DWORD

    loop function_loop        ;loop til ecx is 0

    popad                     ;pop all 32bit registers


I wrote this out of my head, so please report it with a bug

but what you need to do is increment the register and do a modulo operation with 3 in an incremental register and then you have the pattern 0,1,2

just make sure you have enough free space to store all n values



This may trigger more ideas about the allocation of bytes or words on the stack.

You might want to create a library of personal functions or macros that you can use often, or find another library for% include.

You can interpret array data in bytes, dword, or other size in the same way as all data items are the same. You should always keep in mind the size of the array element (eg 1 vs 4 bytes ..). I will leave any alignment issues up to you to resolve.

section .data
        _len equ 64
section .text
        %macro mod 2
        mov eax, %1
        mov ebx, %2
        xor edx, edx
        div ebx                 ; div/mul are very slow; but ok for small loops
        mov eax, edx            ; return eax if you wish

        global _start

        sub esp, _len                   ; 

        mov ecx, 1

        mod ecx, 3                      ; n mod 3 
        mov byte [esp+ecx], al

        inc ecx
        cmp ecx, _len                   ; array size
        jb L1

        add sp, _len

        mov eax, 1
        mov ebx, 0
        int 0x80


GDB x / 64d $ esp example using the following ....

0xffffd180:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd188:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd190:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd198:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1a0:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd1a8:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd1b0:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1b8:     2       0       1       2       0       1       0       0
31      v eax, 1
0xffffd180:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd188:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd190:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd198:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1a0:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd1a8:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd1b0:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1b8:     2       0       1       2       0       1       0       0
25      cx, 3                   ; n mod 3 
0xffffd180:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd188:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd190:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd198:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1a0:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd1a8:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd1b0:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1b8:     2       0       1       2       0       1       0       0
27      cx
0xffffd180:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd188:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd190:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd198:     0       1       2       0       1       2       0       1
0xffffd1a0:     2       0       1       2       0       1       2       0
0xffffd1a8:     1       2       0       1       2       0       1       2
0xffffd1b0:     0       1       2       0       1       2 





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