Get the first and last name matching their ID


So, I have no idea how I can do this, but what I want to do is get the first and last name of the leader and students using their ID. After I have the names and names of the students and the leader, I need to bring him out.

Command table

id | leaderID | studentID
1  | 123      | 123456
2  | 123      | 09
3  | 123      | 7776
4  | 233      | 80
5  | 233      | 997


Student table

studentID | firstname | lastname | teacherID
123       | Dave      | Jackson  | 23
123456    | Jessie    | Roberts  | 23
09        | Rick      | Rustels  | 24
7776      | Blake     | Jackson  | 25
80        | Ashly     | Kenson   | 23
233       | Lilly     | Street   | 25
997       | Billy     | Street   | 24


What I am currently getting (the first id is the leader id)




What I want

Dave Jackson
Jessie Roberts
Rick Rustels
Blake Jackson

Lilly Street
Ashly Kenson
Billy Street


So, basically I want to get the first and last name that match their ID.

PHP Code


require '../connect.php';

$team_data = $link->prepare("SELECT leaderID, studentID, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as firstlast FROM teams, students Order by leaderID, studentID");
$team_data = $team_data->fetchAll();

if(!$team_data) {
    header("Location: ../../admin.php?msg=Sorry we could not get the data");

$data = [];

foreach ($team['firstlast'] as $team) {
    $leader_id = $team['leaderID'];
    $student_id = $team['studentID'];
    $data[$leader_id][] = $student_id;


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <?php foreach ($data as $leader_id => $students): ?>
            <li><strong><?php echo $leader_id; ?></strong></li>
                <?php foreach ($students as $student_id): ?>
            <li><?php echo $student_id; ?></li>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>




source to share

3 answers

Single request

  SELECT 1 AS leader, s.studentID AS leaderID, s.studentID,
    s.firstname, s.lastname
  FROM teams AS t
  JOIN students AS s ON s.studentID = t.leaderID
  GROUP BY t.leaderID
  SELECT 0 AS leader, t.leaderID, s.studentID, s.firstname, s.lastname
  FROM teams AS t
  JOIN students AS s ON s.studentID = t.studentID


The request consists of two SELECT

combined with UNION

. The first one selects only leaders who remove duplicates with GROUP BY

. The second subquery selects the rest of the students. Finally, the result set is sorted by presenter ID in ascending order and by icon leader

in descending order.

Output example

leader leaderID studentID firstname lastname
1      123      123       Dave      Jackson
0      123      9         Rick      Rustels
0      123      7776      Blake     Jackson
0      123      123456    Jessie    Roberts
1      233      233       Lilly     Street
0      233      80        Ashly     Kenson
0      233      997       Billy     Street


Note. You will probably need to optimize your table structures to run this query without performance penalties. For example, you might want to add indexes on the columns leaderID

and studentID


Two requests + PHP

Several simple queries are often faster than one complex query. In addition, in some cases, sorting and grouping operations are faster than PHP rather than SQL. Below is a different approach that is likely to be faster than the aforementioned complex query. Do some tests to find out what's best for your case.

$result = [];

// Collect only leaders
$q = 'SELECT s.studentID, s.firstname, s.lastname
    FROM students AS s, teams AS t
    WHERE t.leaderID = s.studentID
    GROUP BY 1';
$cursor = Db::query($q);
while ($row = Db::fetchNext($cursor)) {
    $result[$row['studentID']][] = $row;

// Collect the rest
$q = 'SELECT s.studentID, t.leaderID, s.firstname, s.lastname
    FROM students AS s, teams AS t
    WHERE t.studentID = s.studentID';
$cursor = Db::query($q);
while ($row = Db::fetchNext($cursor)) {
    $leader_id = $row['leaderID'];
    if (isset($result[$leader_id])) {
        $result[$leader_id][] = $row;


The first block selects only the leaders and stores them in the $result

keys studentID


The second block collects the rest of the students and stores them in a similar way $result

, if a corresponding one leaderID

exists. (You can skip this check by passing leader IDs in WHERE

via IN()


Since it is $result

initially filled with leaders, the leaders will be kept in the first positions:

    [123] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [studentID] => 123
                    [firstname] => Dave
                    [lastname] => Jackson

            [1] => Array
                    [studentID] => 123456
                    [leaderID] => 123
                    [firstname] => Jessie
                    [lastname] => Roberts

    [233] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [studentID] => 233
                    [firstname] => Lilly
                    [lastname] => Street



and Db::fetchNext()

are imaginary functions. The first one executes the SQL query on the database and returns the cursor to the result set. The latter selects the next result with the cursor.



Using sql CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname)



$team_data = $link->prepare("SELECT leaderID, studentID FROM teams order by leaderID, studentID");



$team_data = $link->prepare("SELECT leaderID, studentID, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as firstlast FROM teams, students Order by leaderID, studentID");


Then inside foreach

you can use$team['firstlast']



Since your first / last names are in the student table, you need to join that table. Thus, your request should look like this:

$team_data = $link->prepare("SELECT a.leaderID, a.studentID, CONCAT(b.firstname, ' ', b.lastname) AS full_name FROM teams AS a LEFT JOIN stundent_table AS b ON a.studentID = b.studentID ORDER BY a.leaderID, a.studentID");


Whatever the name of your student table. Change this accordingly.



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