Pandas dataFrame group for user defined span of months

What is the best approach to group data for the winter seasons starting October through April? With evenly spaced frequencies TimeGrouper

I don't get it to output seasonal sums of winter months from seasons 1972/1973, 1973/1974, etc. Maybe a trivial thing, but I don't know how to do it without getting started writing an overflow solution.

                 sd_x       sd_y
1972-10-31   0.000000   0.709677
1972-11-30   1.720838   4.366667
1972-12-31  15.893438   5.600000
1973-01-31   6.256230   6.548387
1973-02-28   0.653714  53.142857
1973-03-31   0.000000  70.354839
1973-04-30   0.000000  11.700000
1973-10-31   0.000000   0.096774
1973-11-30   0.000000   4.266667
1973-12-31   0.394652  53.419355
1974-01-31   4.540915  46.645161
1974-02-28   2.978056  35.571429
1974-03-31   0.000000   4.967742
1974-04-30   0.000000   0.000000
1974-10-31   0.000000   0.064516
1974-11-30   0.000000   1.000000
1974-12-31   5.585954  20.096774
1975-01-31  50.498147  24.580645
1975-02-28  35.906097  22.000000
1975-03-31   0.457109   5.483871
1975-04-30   0.000000   0.433333



source to share

2 answers

Use pd.offsets.MonthBegin

to translate months back to4

shifted_months = df.index - pd.offsets.MonthBegin(5)

DatetimeIndex(['1972-06-01', '1972-07-01', '1972-08-01', '1972-09-01',
               '1972-10-01', '1972-11-01', '1972-12-01', '1973-06-01',
               '1973-07-01', '1973-08-01', '1973-09-01', '1973-10-01',
               '1973-11-01', '1973-12-01', '1974-06-01', '1974-07-01',
               '1974-08-01', '1974-09-01', '1974-10-01', '1974-11-01',
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)


Then we can use the attribute .year

for groupby



           sd_x        sd_y
1972  24.524220  152.422427
1973   7.913623  144.967128
1974  92.447307   73.659139


We can index the indices pretty well with

df.groupby(shifted_months.year).sum().rename(lambda x: '{}/{}'.format(x, x + 1))

                sd_x        sd_y
1972/1973  24.524220  152.422427
1973/1974   7.913623  144.967128
1974/1975  92.447307   73.659139




In [94]: df.groupby((df.index - pd.DateOffset(months=4)).year).sum()
           sd_x        sd_y
1972  24.524220  152.422427
1973   7.913623  144.967128
1974  92.447307   73.659139




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