How to inject context into a non-active class?

I am trying to inject Context into a non-activity class. In my case, I am trying to inject a model class (from MVP pattern). I need a Context to get a string from resources. The result of the () method returns an Observable, which returns a ViewModel, which is the modified API model. The ViewModel is used for display in MainActivity. I tried this code, but Context is null, I think it is not injected.

public class MainActivityModel implements MainActivityMVP.Model {

Context context;

private Repository repository;

public MainActivityModel(Repository repository) {

    ((App) getApplication()).getComponent().inject(this); //Cannot resolve getApplication() method :(
    this.repository = repository;


public Observable<List<ViewModel>> result(String username) {

    return repository.getRepositories(username).map(new Func1<List<Repository>, List<ViewModel>>() {
        public List<ViewModel> call(List<Repository> repositories) {

            List<ViewModel> viewModelList = new ArrayList<ViewModel>();
            for (Repository repository : repositories) {
                // here Context is null
                viewModelList.add(new ViewModel(context.getString(R.string.repository) + repository.getName()));

            return viewModelList;





This is the Component class, which has an injection method (MainActivityModel target) that I cannot use to inject the MainActivityModel since getApplication is not available from the non-Activity class:

@Component(modules = {ApplicationModule.class, MainActivityModule.class, GithubApiModule.class})
public interface ApplicationComponent {

    void inject(MainActivity target);
    void inject(MainActivityModel target);



I think the Context can be sent via the result method (String username, Context context). But what is the point of Dependency Injection if I pass the Context as a method parameter? I may have misunderstood the fundamental concept of DI.

So my question is, is it possible to inject context into a class without activity? Or should it be passed as a method parameter?


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1 answer

To inject context, you need to write a module using a provide method:

@Module (injects = {MainActivityModel.class})
    public class RootModule {
    private Context context;

    public RootModule(App application) {
        this.context = application.getApplicationContext();

    Context provideContext() {
        return context;


In your custom App class:

public class App extends Application {
    public ObjectGraph objectGraph;

    public void onCreate() {
        objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(getInjectionModule());

    protected Object getInjectionModule() {
        return new RootModule(this);


And add to the model constructor:

public MainActivityModel(Repository repository) {

    ((App) getApplication()).objectGraph.inject(this); 
    this.repository = repository;





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