Exception not caught - AggregateException not handled

Does anyone know why the following code won't catch my ConnectionException, I am spending hours with it ...

    public async Task LoadContacts(string filter)
        // We will send find contacts message to all servers supporting addressbook.
        var addressBookServers = _addressBookService.GetAddressBookServerList();
        // Create task array here to be able to run each task in parallel manner.
        var tasksToProcess = new List<Task<SearchContactsResultDto>>(addressBookServers.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < addressBookServers.Count; i++)
            tasksToProcess.Add(_addressBookService.SearchContactsAsync(addressBookServers[i].Id, filterUpCaseNoDiacritics));

        while (tasksToProcess.Count > 0)
            var processedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasksToProcess);
                var serverResponse = await processedTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                var vmToAdd = serverResponse.SearchedContacts
                .Where(sc => !SearchedContacts.Exists(c => c.BabelName == sc.BabelName))
                .Select(sc => CreateSearchContactViewModel(serverResponse.ServerId, null, sc.Name, sc.BabelName, sc.ContactId));

            catch (ErrorMessageException eme) { Log.Warning(s => s.Set($"An {nameof(ErrorMessageException)} of type {eme.ErrorMessage.Cause} threw as a response to {nameof(Core.Json.Messages.MsgFindContacts)}. See exception details for further information.", eme)); }
            catch (ConnectionException ce) { Log.Info(s => s.Set($"Connection with server cannot be reached. Message of type {nameof(Core.Json.Messages.MsgFindContacts)} cannot be send", ce)); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { Log.Info(s => s.Set($"Request on a message of type {nameof(Core.Json.Messages.MsgFindContacts)} timeouted. See exception details for further details.", te)); }
            catch (Exception) {}
        IsLoadingContacts = false;


When SearchContactsAsync throws an exception, the exception is not caught by the LoadContacts method and is propagated as an unhandled AggregateException. I wrote some unit tests and they all pass, the problem occurs in the application launch. I appreciate any help.


public async Task<SearchContactsResultDto> SearchContactsAsync(int serverId, string filter)
        var msgFindContactsRes = await _communicationService.SendFindContactsAsync(serverId, filter)

        return new SearchContactsResultDto()
            ServerId = serverId,
            SearchedContacts = msgFindContactsRes.Contacts,
            PageNumber = msgFindContactsRes.PageNumber,
            PageSize = msgFindContactsRes.PageSize


SendFindContacsAsync impl:

public Task<MsgFindContactsRes> SendFindContactsAsync(int serverId, string filter)
        var serverSender = serverConnectionProvider.ProvideSender(serverId);

        var msgFindContacts = messageFactory.CreateMsgFindContacts(filter);

        return serverSender.SendAsync<MsgFindContactsRes>(msgFindContacts);



public async Task<TExpectedResponse> SendAsync<TExpectedResponse>(IMessage message)
        where TExpectedResponse : class, IMessage
        if (message == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException($"Argument {nameof(message)} cannot be null.");

        var response = await _queue.ProvideAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);

        if (response is TExpectedResponse)
            return response as TExpectedResponse;
        else throw new InvalidServerResponseException($"Invalid response to a message of type {message.Header.Type}, expected message type: {typeof(TExpectedResponse).FullName}, received message type: {response.Header.Type}. Server id: {_serverConnection.ServerId}");


ProvideAsync using TPL and TCS queue:

public Task<TItemResult> ProvideAsync(TItemData item)
        TaskCompletionSource<TItemResult> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<TItemResult>();

        // async enqueue an item with its task completion source
        _queue.SendAsync<QueueItem<TItemData, TItemResult>>(new QueueItem<TItemData, TItemResult>(tcs, item));

        return tcs.Task;


And finally, the queue consumer that throws an exception using the TaskCompletionSource object:

private async Task StartConsumer(Func<TItemData, TItemResult> consumer)
        while (await _queue.OutputAvailableAsync())
            QueueItem<TItemData, TItemResult> res = await _queue.ReceiveAsync();
                var result = consumer(res.Data);
            catch (Exception e)



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3 answers

Ok, I see the problem right now. The last line of code I posted ... it throws an exception again that never gets caught ... What a mistake. Anyway, thanks to everyone involved for their help ...



Tasks for SearchContactsAsync here

for (int i = 0; i < addressBookServers.Count; i++)
     tasksToProcess.Add(_addressBookService.SearchContactsAsync(addressBookServers[i].Id, filterUpCaseNoDiacritics));


These tasks are waiting outside the try block:

var processedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasksToProcess);
    // Rest of your code


Therefore, if one of these tasks throws an exception, nothing handles it. Move the lines

var processedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasksToProcess);


inside a try block.



You are not catching an aggregate exception , which is why your exception is not being handled.

//Following code is just an outline and you need to correct according to your requirement.

          try {
                 //your task
          catch (AggregateException ae)
             ae.Handle( x => 
                            // Handle an ErrorMessageException
                            if (x is ErrorMessageException) {
                                //do your logging
                                return true; //if you handled it through logging or reporting
                            // Handle an ConnectionException
                            else if(x is ConnectionException){ 
                              //do your logging for connection
                              return true;  //if you handled it through logging or reporting 
                               return false; //This leave the exception as unhandled aggregate exception.





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