Angular 2, traversing the same route and updating route data

Is there a way to get the router to go to the same route to update the route data by calling this canActivate jar twice:

export class LevelGuard implements CanActivate {

    private user_query_: string;
    private level_query_: string;

    constructor(private router_: Router, private query_resolver_: QueryResolver) { };

    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {

        let user: string = route.params["user"];
        let level: string = route.params["level"];

        if (!user && !level) { //=> "/create"
            this.query_resolver_.setQuery({ user: this.user_query_ || "none", level: this.level_query_ || "none" });
            this.level_query_ = "";
            this.user_query_ = "";
            return true;
        else if (user && !level) { //=> "/create/:user"
            this.level_query_ = "none";
            this.user_query_ = user;
            return false;
        else { //=> "/create/:user/:level"
            this.level_query_ = level;
            this.user_query_ = user;
            return false;


If the route is already "/ create", then when this canActivate argument redirects to "/ create", which it should do for "/ create /: user" and "/ create /: user /: level", the guard is not called on the second time. Had a more complex routing scheme that got around this problem, but that would make it much easier.

Edit: One way to get around this is to add a dummy component, navigate to that, and then revert to "/ create", but this causes a noticeable transition and the component isn't reused.

this.router_.navigate(["/redirect"]).then((nav) => {



source to share

2 answers

This is what I ended up with, since the "redirect" resulted in NavigationCancel events, I subscribed to and tracked if the last navigation had either a NavigationEnd or a NavigationCancel. Tried with a boolean flag but couldn't figure out a way to reset the flag to false at the right time.

canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> {

    let mode = route.url[0].path as "create" | "play";

    let user: string = route.params["user"];
    let level: string = route.params["level"];

    if (!user && !level) { //=> "/mode"

        if (this.last_navigation_outcome instanceof NavigationCancel) {
            return Observable.of(true);
        else {
            user =;
            let query = { mode, user, level: "none" };              
            return this.level_resolver_.resolveLevel(query).map((level) => {
                return true;
    else if (user && !level) { //=> "/mode/:user"
        let query = { mode, user, level: "none" }; 
        return this.level_resolver_.resolveLevel(query).map((level) => {
            this.router_.navigate(["/" + mode]);
            return false;
    else { //=> "/mode/:user/:level"
        let query = { mode, user, level };
        return this.level_resolver_.resolveLevel(query).map((level) => {
            this.router_.navigate(["/" + mode]);
            return false;





doesn't work for child routes.

You need to use canActivateChild

and install it on your router:


    path: '/create',
    loadChildren: 'yourModule#YourModule',
    canLoad: [LevelGuard ],
    canActivateChild: [LevelGuard ]



Just add to your LevelGuard


canActivateChild() {
    // your code here




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