How do I add a child node to an element of a DOM object?

    Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDOCUMENT")
    xmlDoc.loadXML( "<response />" )

    Set node = xmlDoc.createElement("account")
    xmlDoc.documentElement.AppendChild node

    Set node = xmlDoc.createElement("type")
    node.Text = "TheType"
    xmlDoc.documentElement.AppendChild node

    Set node = Nothing


This creates an XML document that looks like this:



How do I add the "type" node as a child node to the "newaccount" node so that it looks like this:




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1 answer

Likewise, you add it to the document element:

Set accountEl = xmlDoc.createElement("account")
xmlDoc.documentElement.AppendChild accountEl

Set typeEl = xmlDoc.createElement("type")
typeEl.Text = "TheType"
accountEl.AppendChild typeEl

accountEl = Nothing
typeEl = Nothing




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