IEnumerator for generics.

I have several classes that I am trying to move to using generics

Class1: curve

this class has the following code:

public class Curve : IEnumerable

  IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator(); // Calls non-interface method

  public RTRatePointEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        return new RTRatePointEnumerator(_hash);


Class 2:

  public class CurvePointEnumerator : IEnumerator


What is the recommended conversion of these two classes to use generics


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2 answers

You have not specified the type to return from the enumerator. but I'm going to guess based on the names RTRatePoint and CurvePoint. I would change the code as follows

class Curve: IEnumerable<RTRatePoint> {
  IEnumerator<RTRatePoint> IEnumerable<RTRatePoint>.GetEnumerator() { 
    return GetEnumerator();
  public RTRatePointEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
    return new RTRatePointEnumerator(_hash);

class CurvePointEnumerator : IEnumerator<CurvePoint>


One element that might tip you off is that IEnumerator <T> additionally implements IDisposable, so CurvePointEnumerator and RTRatePointEnumerator will need to add a Dispose method. Probably though this method can be pretty empty. The reason is that you did not dispose of anything before, now there is no need.

void IDispose.Dispose() {
  // Nothing to see here




IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T>

gah he swallowed my code



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