Rhino Mocks: How to match array arguments pending?

Back on the Knox Street rhino

mockUI.Expect( x => x.Update( new Frame[] {Frame.MakeIncompleteFrame(1, 5)} ) );


This is the exact argument that I need to match. Through trace statements, I have confirmed that this is the actual result, and for example the code behaves as expected but the test disagrees. RhinoMocks answers

Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : IScoreObserver.Update([Frame# 1, Score =  0 Rolls [  5,  PENDING,  ]]); Expected #1, Actual #0.


The Frame object contains a few properties, but does not override Equals () yet (overridden by ToString () shown above). Update receives an array of frames; How do I set up this wait? I see the Is.Matching limitation .. not sure how to use it, or rather it is about its verbose nature.

I have a NUnit style Assert helper attribute

public static void AssertFramesAreEqual(Frame[] expectedFrames, Frame[] actualFrames)
  // loop over both collections
     // compare attributes



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2 answers

@Gishu, Yes it is. I just found out about the Arg <> static class, which should allow you to do something like this:

mockUI.Expect( x => x.Update(Arg<Frame[]>
           .Matches(fs=>HelperPredicates.CheckFrames ( expected, fs)) ));


There is also a starting point for the Arg <> configuration. List which I haven't explored yet, but it might even be better for what you want.



Proven works .. don't know if this is the RhinoMocks way.

var expectedFrames = new Frame[] { Frame.MakeIncompleteFrame(1, 5) };
mockUI.Expect( x => x.Update(null) )
            .Constraints( Is.Matching<Frame[]>( frames => HelperPredicates.CheckFramesMatch(expectedFrames, frames) ) );


A helper predicate is just a function that returns a boolean value - True in exact match else false.

 public static bool CheckFramesMatch(Frame[] expectedFrames, Frame[] actualFrames)
     // return false if array lengths differ
     // loop over corresponding elements
          // return false if any attribute differs
     // return true




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