SQL rank is date based

I am trying to connect a customer to a "peferred" merchant based on the number of visits in the last 18 months, when the tie-break is the most recent visit date. I'm having trouble with a tiebreaker. If there are two records, each ranking 1 based on # visits for a particular MemberID, I want to set the IsFirst bit column to 1 in the MAX (EncounterDate) record for that MemberID. How should I do it?


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2 answers

This might help you ... This is an Oracle query based on an existing emp table. I think it is a good idea to create structures when posting a problem. Replace first select with update etc ...: UPDATE your table SET date = max_date (max_hire_date in my example) WHERE your_field IN (select max date as in my example) AND rnk = 1 and rno = 1

 SELECT deptno
      , ename
      , sal
      , RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal desc) rnk 
      , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal desc) rno 
      , MAX(hiredate) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY deptno) max_hire_date
   FROM emp_test
  WHERE deptno = 20
 ORDER BY deptno
 WHERE rnk = 1
   --AND rno = 1 -- or 2 or any other number...


 20     SCOTT   3000    1   1   1/28/2013   1/28/2013
 20     FORD    3000    1   2   12/3/1981   1/28/2013




The following SQL gets the information it needs by assuming the structure of certain tables:

select c.*, NumVisits, MaxVisitDate, MaxFirstVisitDate
       (select count(*)
        from visits v
        where v.customerid = c.customerid and 
from customers c join
     (select customerid,
             sum(case when visitdate between getdate() - 365*1.5 and getdate()
                      then 1 else 0
                  end) as NumVisits,
             max(visitdate) as MaxVisitDate,
             max(case when IsFirst = 1 then visitdate end) as MaxFirstVisitDate
      from visits
      group by customerid
     ) v
     on c.customerid = v.customerid


From this information, you can figure out the logic of what you want to do. When MaxVisitDate = MaxFirstVisitDate

, the bit is set at the most recent date.

The answer to your update question looks something like this:

update visits
    set IsFirst = 1
    where exists (select max(encounterDate)
                  from visits v2
                  where v2.customer_id = visits.customer_id
                  having max(encounterDate) = visits.encounterDate)




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