My site is taking a very long time to load, what can I do to investigate the issue?

my site is ASP.NET, C #,. net 4, using Umbraco 4, IIS 7.5 it has been working fine for a few months, but all of a sudden its age only goes up for one page load and basically no load at all.

DB looks ok,

I have restarted the site,

reworked the APP pool,

looked in the logs it just looks like jibberish

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can explore further. No, I am not asking you to fix my site or tell me why it is not working, I just want to learn other methods to investigate the problem so that I can fix the problem.




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4 answers

Use Google Pagespeed Insights to find out where problems might be.



I have several suggestions:

  • Tune your ELMAH error log and see if there are some raw calculations.
  • Set up a mini profiler, maybe it's a bottleneck inside a newly added script.
  • Use Google PageSpeed ​​Insights to analyze your pages.


My first guess was that this is a data problem. Not that it takes a long time to grab the data, but to process it. I have had a few times where the page is about 138KB, but it took over 3 seconds to wait for the page before rendering. This was mainly the reason he was running the repeater 3 layers (repeater inside repeater inside repeater) to create a menu system. So while the site was small, it was busy reworking this menu before submitting it.

Suggestions from me are to comment on anything new that you added prior to this date and return stuff slowly until you find the problem. After that, you can look at caching. And if the module (.ascx) uses @Output Caching and that might help.



It's not a download at all ... online tools can't help, you need to figure out what's going on on the server.

The tools for this are the process handler from sysinternals to see what is running on a slow server and then autoruns to see what you are loading by contributing your knowledge and also slow down your system and tcpView to see who is connected to your server.



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