Surfaces: <p: ajax inside DataTable data handling method multiple times after dataTable is updated

The problem is this: "p: ajax event =" rowDblselect "listener =" # {companyBean.update ()} "..." when I doubleClick the first time, the "update ()" method is called once (Perfect! ), but after that, when I click on the commandButton "button1" and I doubleClick on the component again, "update ()" is called 2 times. When I repeat again, "update ()" gets called 3 times ............ This is very strange! I think that when I update the datatable using commandButton, the ajax event keeps updating to itself. I don't know (?) ... Can anyone help me solve it?

<h:panelGrid id="panel" columns="5">
  <p:commandButton id="button1"  value="Search" actionListener="#{                 }" update="dataTable"/>          


<p:dataTable id="dataTable" var="companyTO" value="#{companyBean.companiesTO}"                      
  selection="#companyBean.selectedCompanyTO}" rowKey="#{companyTO}"                   
  emptyMessage="" selectionMode="single" >   

 <p:ajax event="rowDblselect" listener="#{companyBean.update()}" immediate="true"   
        process="@this" />

 <p:column >



obs: When I remove the "update =" dataTable, "event =" rowDblselect "" works fine, call the method only once. So the problem is with the update.

I found the same problem:


source to share

1 answer

Try to remove the attribute of immediate

your event ajax

and commandbutton

add the attributes:

process="@this" partialSubmit="true" ajax="true"


Like this:


   <p:ajax event="rowDblselect" listener="#{companyBean.update()}" process="@this" partialSubmit="true" />



 <p:commandButton id="button1"  value="Search" actionListener="#{                     }" update="dataTable" process="@this" partialSubmit="true" ajax="true"/> 




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