Why is document.all.item not working on localhost?

I am working on a very old web application that uses document.all.item to iterate through the dom and it throws runtime errors when I deploy the application to localhost and the error goes away when I deploy it to a server outside of my machine. Below is the code where it throws an unknown runtime error. what is the reason or how can i solve it?


  item('fieldName').innerHTML = "Blah Blah";  // Error is on this line.?



When I tried to debug IE. I can access the element, but for some reason I cannot access the innerHTML. Is it because of IE or something else?


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1 answer

On Google Chrome HTMLAllCollection

(result document.all

) has no property item

. I suggest going through them with a loop for


var items = document.all;
var length = items.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
    //Do something with: items[i];


The change in behavior could be due to an inconsistent implementation of the property item

on HTMLAllCollection

s, where IE appears to implement it and your server does not.



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