IPhone: MCC roaming

Is it possible to get a "real" iPhone mobile phone code?

If I use the normal method compared to CTCarrier, I only get MCC SIM cards, but I need the country code for roaming.


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2 answers

No, this is not possible in the current iOS SDK.



I don't believe this is possible with a private API, but you can use a third party service like http://ipinfo.io that I built. Here's a standard API response that will include the operator data in the org field:

$ curl ipinfo.io/ 
    "ip": "",
    "hostname": "doc-24-32-148-1.pecos.tx.cebridge.net",
    "city": "Pecos",
    "region": "Texas",
    "country": "US",
    "loc": "31.3086,-103.5892",
    "org": "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.",
    "postal": "79772"


Custom packages are available which also include full mnc / mcc details for mobile IPs. See http://ipinfo.io/developers for details .



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