Single test sockets in java

I have a class that is a socket client and I am trying to unit test its methods. The tests require me to start the socket server before each test, so I use:

public void setUp() {
    if (myServerSocket == null) {
    Thread myThread = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            DataInputStream dis = null;
            DataOutputStream dos = null;
            try {
                ServerSocket myServer = new ServerSocket(port);
                myServerSocket = myServer.accept();
                dis = new DataInputStream(myServerSocket.getInputStream());
                dos = new DataOutputStream(myServerSocket.getOutputStream());
                byte[] bytes = new byte[10];
                boolean breakLoop = false;
                do {
                    if (new String(bytes).length() != 0) {
                        dos.writeBytes(serverMessage + "\n");
                        breakLoop = true;
                        dos.writeBytes("</BroadsoftDocument>" + "\n");
                } while (!breakLoop);
            catch (IOException e) {


After each test, I try to close the server socket so that I can reopen the server socket for the next test:

public void tearDown() throws IOException, BroadsoftSocketException {
    if (myServerSocket != null) {
        myServerSocket = null;
            try {
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // do nothing.


However, I get " address already in use: JVM_Bind" before every test starting with the second test. I understand that I am trying to use the same port for every test, but shouldn't I close the socket, freeing up the port?


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2 answers

It is possible that your socket is still in a state TIME_WAIT

when you try to reconnect it. I would recommend scoffing at such external dependencies, but if you really want to keep using a real socket try adjusting the rewrite options. In your setup function, instead of ServerSocket myServer = new ServerSocket(port);


final ServerSocket myServer = new ServerSocket();




  • You are already shutting down your backend in "setUp" and you really need to do it in a block finally

  • The port cannot be released immediately. You can avoid this by setting the parameter to ServerSocket

    reuse address for true

    . See setReuseAddress .

And I'm SimonC # 2: you might be better off avoiding the socket in the first place.



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