to send push notification from .NET framework and receive it on iOS, Android and webpage
I am completely unfamiliar with the syntax and am looking at the documentation that I am really lost.
This is what I need and know
- I have my own backend, so I just need to parse sending notifications from the server on iOS, Android, and a webpage (optional).
- Users register to their devices through the WCF service.
- How to send a push message to a specific user or multiple users. There are options for sending a message to channels, everyone; but how do I create this group of people that I want to submit from my .NET application?
- I found this How to send a push API message from .Net / (C #) and I also downloaded the nuget package which was making me confused as to what parse.dll is for . The method in the link uses the REST method to send the push notification.
- Push test from web interface and REST method works and is accepted on iOS and Android. Not tested on the site.
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1 answer
NOTE. I am using parsing to send push notification only, not as the data store it also provides.
So after a while using it I found this:
- This is required first of all.
ParseClient.Initialize('ParseApplicationKey', 'ParseDotNetKey');
... Before the first download of the application, you must put it in the first hits. i.e.startup.cs
It's one thing. - Sending push uses
class / table in You can add your own columns to the class. I addedContactId
so that I can request an id to send push. - You need to enable
Client Push Enabled?
it to send push. Otherwise, you will get an error likeClient-initiated push isn't enabled
- Now Send push notification
// sending to all with only alert message
var parsePush = new ParsePush();
await parsePush.SendAsync();
// sending to all with your own data
parsePush.Data= new Dictionary<string, object>
{"alert", message},// this is replacement for parsePush.Alert
{"sound", "notify.caf"},// for ios
{"badge", "Increment"}// for ios notification count increment on icon
await parsePush.SendAsync();
// Sending with custom data, you can add your own properties in the
// dictionary and send, which will be received by the mobile devices
{"reference_type", referenceType}// add to dictionary
{"reference_id", referenceType}
// adding query/conditions
int[] smartusers={1,2,3,4,5};
parsePush.Query = new ParseQuery<ParseInstallation>()
.Where(i => smartusers.Contains(i.Get<int>("ContactID")));
// ContactID is a propery in ParseInstallation, that i added
There are other methods for targeting notifications too
For more information
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