109 Can't connect to iTunes Store 503

All of us suddenly stopped working. I still use a sandbox user to shop, but this error happens even before trying to make a purchase - I can't even get the products (either from the device or from the simulator). It only worked a couple of hours ago and there were no code changes. This is mistake:

▿ Optional<NSError>
  - Some : Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=109 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store, SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=503}


My code:

    func loadBundles() {
            SwiftyStoreKit.retrieveProductsInfo(["bundle1", "bundle2"]) { (result) in
                self.bundles = result.retrievedProducts

public class func retrieveProductsInfo(productIds: Set<String>, completion: (result: RetrieveResults) -> ()) {

    guard let products = sharedInstance.store.allProductsMatching(productIds) else {

        sharedInstance.requestProducts(productIds, completion: completion)
    completion(result: RetrieveResults(retrievedProducts: products, invalidProductIDs: [], error: nil))


All Apple servers seem to be working fine: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/

What am I missing?


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