Javascript Regex matches the task of measuring length of inches

I am new to regex and I am trying to create a regex to match a string that contains a dimension expressed in feet and inches, with the option of fractional values โ€‹โ€‹in inches. So far I have the following expression:

var rex =/\s*(\d+)?\s*(?:'|ft|ft.|feet)?\s*-?\s*(\d+)?\s*(\d+)?\/?(\d+)?\s*(?:''|"|in|in.|inches)?/


To be as flexible as possible, I've made all captures optional to set dimensions such as 1ft

or 5''

as valid inputs.

var mstring = '5in';
var match = rex.exec(mstring);


The problem is that when applying a regex like to 5in

, the capture I get is equal match[1]='5'

, while the other three values โ€‹โ€‹( match[2]

, match[3]

and match[4]

) remain undefined


Is there a way for the resulting values โ€‹โ€‹to be displayed in the order they are defined? In the above case, will be match[2]="5in"

, while match[1]

, match[3]

and match[4]

remain undefined



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2 answers

The trick is to use non-capturing groups around the optional parts and using the required subpatterns within those groups:

var rex =/(?:\s*(\d+)\s*(?:feet|ft\.|ft|'))?(?:\s*-\s*(\d+))?(?:\s*(\d+)\/)?(?:(\d+)\s*(?:inches|in\.|in|''|"))?/


In the first group I made it (?:feet|ft\.|ft|')

mandatory, in group 2 it is a hyphen -

, in group 3 it is a slash /

, and in group 4 it is alternation (?:inches|in\.|in|''|")


Watch the demo


Now I do not understand the logic, but if you want 5

to 5in

be displayed in the 2nd group, use



See Demo 2



I would consider doing some preprocessing - remove all spaces and do some conversion on the input. For example:

// normalize the input, e.g. 5 feet 11 inches becomes 5'11"
// any non-numerical character sequence starting with f is considering feet measurement, similar for inches (i.e. starting with i)
text = text.replace(/[^A-Z0-9'"]*/gi, '').replace(/f[^0-9]*/, "'").replace(/i[^0-9]*/, '"');

// regexp becomes simpler
var re = /(\d+')?(\d+")?/




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